When booking in for your appointment, please keep in mind that it may be 8-12 weeks before your appointment date.
If you are seeking physical modalities for pain management, acupuncture, relaxation, laser, etc, it is advised to book in for multiple consecutive visits to minimize extended gaps between sessions.
All new patients must book in for an initial consult before other services can be utilized.
Once your appointment has been scheduled, you can place your name on the waitlist below to have your appointment moved to a closer date in the event of a cancellation.
**Please submit your new patient forms BEFORE your first appointment**
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As wait times are greater than 60 days, please place your name on the waitlist below.
Before placing your name on the waitlist, please ensure you already have an appointment booked on the calendar. If a cancellation occurs, you will be called to move to an earlier appointment time.
New patient appointment spaces are limited. Please continue to monitor the booking calendar for availability.
Functional Medicine is a systems biology approach to identify and address the root cause of disease by acknowledging the complex interconnected web that is the human body.
Diet & lifestyle modification are the foundation of the pyramid when it comes to treatment options. Meaning, food comes before any other therapeutic modality.
We use nutritional therapy to address any concerns you my have, combined with high dose nutraceuticals and advanced testing including blood, urine, breath, hair and stool.
Acupuncture is one of the eight branches of Oriental medicine that uses very thin needles to manipulate or unblock the flow of "qi" (chee) in the body to re-establish proper function of internal organs.
Acupuncture can help with a wide variety of complaints such as muscle and fascial dysfunction, infertility, labor induction, chronic migraines, insomnia, and much more.
Other Oriental medicine modalities utilized in our facility apart from acupuncture are cupping therapy, gua sha, tuina, moxibustion and herbal medicines.
A specific type of needling, very effective for the treatment of myofascial pain and muscle dysfunction.
The only similarity between Acupuncture and Dry Needling are that they share the same needles. They are however two very different sciences, each requiring a certain level of training.
Dry needling is a purely neuromuscular approach to treating trigger points based on the clinical findings of Dr. Janet Travell.
A new therapy for the treatment of myofascial pain and muscle dysfunction. FSN (Fu's Subcutaneous Needle) can be considered a hybrid between Acupuncture and Dry Needling.
A superficial needle abstaining from the muscle, FSN is more comfortable than other needling therapies, achieving noticeable results within the first treatment.
Chinese and western herbal medicines have significant overlap, however they are based on two distinct sciences. Western herbal medicine uses traditional western symptomatology, diagnoses, blood work and physical examination as well as looking at how the active chemical constituents of the plants interact with the tissues of the body known as pharmacodynamics & pharmacokinetics. These medicines are usually given as liquid compounds that are tailored specifically for your individual needs.
Chinese herbal medicine however is based on the energetic principals of Chinese medicine using tongue & pulse diagnosis, very specific TCM symptomatology and are given at a much lower dose.
Both systems of herbal medicines are patient specific and two people with the same complaint may be prescribed two very separate preparations based on the root cause.
Both western and Chinese herbal medicines are safely prescribed to children and adults with a deep understanding of possible drug/herb/nutrient interactions.
We offer alternative treatments for painful conditions such as laser therapy, ultrasound, neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) and manual trigger point therapy. Needles are not the only way to get rid of your pain!